
Little Red

A cute but sometimes savage pre-teen, more likely to eat the wolf than be eaten. Spending most of her time in her grandma's cozy house inside the forest, she is later joined by Wolf in her (mis)adventures.

The Wolf

A big good wolf, too naive to this world, tasked to take care of Grandma's house while she's away on a trip, and "babysit" Little Red when she comes over. As a misfit among his own, he chose human company and love to bits his time with Little Red.


A kind but anxious lady who teaches in the forest where Little Red and the other fairytale beings live. Tries her best to be positive despite her internal struggles.

Mr. Green

An underpaid baker from Little Red's favorite bakery. Living in the big city close to the forest, he is a man that is all calm and smiles, but has a dubious nature. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he is the grandson of a certain terrifying fairytale figure?


A clumsy young goddess in training, often present in Little Red's dreams. Whether she's real or just Little Red's imagination from reading too much books, only time can tell.


Nethmondarma's best god friend. Has to put up with her odd ways every time she does her heavenly homework.
